Monday, April 19, 2010

Bullock accidentally took wrong award

When Sandra Bullock took home the trophy for worst actress at this year’s RAZZIE Awards, she took home the wrong one.

Not the wrong award, mind you, but the wrong trophy. The Oscar winner picked up the original RAZZIE – the one founder John Wilson designed more than 25 years ago – instead of the cheap replica (value: about $5) usually given to winners.

The RAZZIE committee has tried to contact Bullock’s publicist several times in hopes of “graciously exchanging” the two statues, according to Wilson. It has not heard back.

“It’s really more about sentiment than anything else,” Wilson said.

The RAZZIE head is upset that readers on several stories are saying his group is doing this solely for the publicity. He says he mentioned the statue offhandedly to a reporter for, but never spoke to the UK’s Telegraph as reported or meant to make this a public incident.

“We weren’t about to come at her when she’s in such a publicly painful place,” Wilson said. “I hardly think the RAZZIE awards should be any kind of priority in her life right now.”

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