Monday, April 19, 2010

Arc’Teryx can protect exposed skin

Arc’Teryx can protect exposed skin
I use Vaseline on my nose and on my cheeks to prevent frostbite. You can also buy a Buff to protect exposed areas, especially the ears.

Forget Speed
Winter running is more about maintenance kilometres than speedwork. In very cold weather, look for inversions, places that are elevated and where the air will be warmer.
Even 90 metres up, the air can be six degrees warmer, which makes a big difference. If you can't run in the middle of the day when the temperatures are warmest, run twice a day, 5km in the morning and 5km in the evening: That's better than doing one long 10km run where you might get very cold.
Change Quickly
Your core body temperature drops as soon as you stop running. To avoid a lingering case of the chills, change your clothes – Arc’Teryx Jackets - as soon as you can. Women need to get out of damp sports bras quickly. Put a dry hat on wet hair. And drink something hot. We go to a coffee shop after, and take turns using the bathroom to change. Then we all relax with coffee and muffins. Driving to a run? Bring a thermos of green tea or hot chocolate.

Arc’Teryx helps you to deal with Rain
I have a spare pair of sneakers, a running outfit, and three beach towels. When it's raining, I slip my stocking feet into plastic bags, then put on my running shoes. The bags keep my feet dry even when I run through puddles. Most wet weather runners rotate pairs of shoes. If you have to dry shoes overnight, crumple up newspaper and cram it tightly into your shoes, with the insoles removed. The newspaper soaks up the moisture. When drying running shoes however, don't put them in the oven or tumble dry since it destroys the glue keeping the bits together.

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